Seat Rib Assembly and Autopilot bracket modificati

Seat Rib Assembly and Autopilot bracket modificati



March 13, 2017


Hours Spent: 4

21-05 Step 1: Make center seat rib assemblies by drilling for screws and adding nutplates. Step 2: Dimple for special nutplate at forward edge Step 3: Dimple and install center nutplates Step 4: Dimple #30 holes Step 5: Final drill holes in remaining ribs Step 6: Dimple nutplates to remaining ribs Step 7: Dimple and install more nutplates Step 9: Rivet flaperon stop and pulley bracket assembly to ribs Step 10: Rivet rib to other side of pulley bracket Step 11: Dimple and rivet nutplates to right seat ribs assembly Step 12: Rivet flaperon mixer to seat ribs

21-05 Step 12: Rivet seat rib to other side of flaperon bracket.

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